Sweet Partnership: Giannis Antetokounmpo Teams Up with Candy Funhouse!

Sweet Partnership: Giannis Antetokounmpo Teams Up with Candy Funhouse!

Welcome, fellow candy enthusiasts and basketball fans, we’re excited to share that NBA All-Star  Giannis & The Antetokounmpo family have become stakeholders of Candy Funhouse! We are honored to take our proudly Canadian brand and expand it to the US and beyond alongside the Antetokounmpo family as we continue to spread memorable experiences through candy and pop culture!
Giannis x Candy Funhouse 

Watch the Partnership Announcement video below:


As fans, we often witness our favorite athletes creating remarkable moments on the court, however, there are times when their endeavors off the court capture our attention and we know this is one of those times! We sat down with Giannis to talk about the new partnership and find out why one of the biggest NBA stars has become a part of the Candy Funhouse family.

What made you decide to invest in a candy company?

“To eat more free candy!” Giannis quips with a giggle. A self-declared candy lover, Giannis jokes that a partnership with a candy company was the perfect move. 

In Giannis’ words - It’s Fun. As a 28 year old, with my own family and kids I want to hold onto my inquisitive nature and spread happiness. I’ve always wanted to work with a company that spreads that feeling. But it’s more than just any company. 

Giannis and his brothers have consistently worked hard to get to where they are today. Within Candy Funhouse he saw the same shared vision and hard work the Antetokounmpo family believes in. “It was a no-brainer to partner with you guys and help us grow more”.

What are you most excited about for Candy Funhouse?

“Just the Journey” Giannis is quick to jest. “I’m excited to see what the future holds”. With Giannis background and connections he is more than excited to see where he can help align with us and grow the company. “Maybe open a candy store!”. As Candy Funhouse has grown over the past several years, Giannis is excited to take it the next steps further by helping us bring the world access to the candy that we all know and love.

 If you were to make your own candy line, what would it be?

“Something Freaky!” Giannis is quick to follow up with his love for chocolate, gummy bears and especially unique flavors like tropical! Maybe a Freaky Chocolate Chip cookie?! With a little more time to think about it Giannis believes he can definitely create an exciting and freaky candy line that everyone would like to try.

Where do you see this partnership going? 

In a word, world domination! As a well established candy company with a social presence, Giannis is quick to praise the work we’ve already done but believes he can help us grow and expand across the globe. “I want this to be a world-wide brand… It’s so much FUN!” Giannis can’t help but smile when he considers all the potential opportunities he wants to accomplish as a part of the Candy Funhouse brand. “I want a lot of people like me to experience what I experienced when I opened [the Candy FunBox] full of candy, chocolate and cookies”. 

With so many opportunities on the horizon, Candy Funhouse can’t wait to get started with the Antetokounmpo family. Stay tuned for more Freakishly Sweet content to come.

Watch Giannis' Announcement video below: