Kit Kat Mini Melon (Japan)

Regular price $8.29 USD

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Curb Your Cravings With This Japanese Chocolate

Did you know the Kit Kat Mini Melon chocolate bars existed? Well you do now! If you’re a chocolate connoisseur and love to try snacks from different countries, then this Japanese chocolate bar is made for you! Imported straight from Japan, these Kit Kat bites are made from mascarpone cheese and a blend of sweet melon from the island of Hokkaido. The Kit Kat Mini Melon is a unique chocolate eating experience and if you love stepping outside your comfort zone, then this has to be added to your must-try list! Try them for yourself, or share with a friend to bond over the sensational flavor explosions! Take a break and indulge in the tropically sweet Kit Kat Mini Melon bar. 

Made in Japan